What is Hospice?

•Hospice treats the person instead of the disease, focuses on the family instead of just the individual, and emphasizes the quality of life instead of a cure.

•Hospice care allows terminally ill patients and their families to experience the end of life together, in the comfort and security of home or a home-like setting.

•Hospice uses the combined knowledge and skills of an interdisciplinary team of professionals,
including physicians, nurses, home care aides, social workers, spiritual caregivers, counselors, and volunteers to provide physical, spiritual, emotional, and bereavement care.

•Hospice fulfills basic human needs of feeling comfortable in familiar surroundings and of attaining physical and emotional peace during the last stage of life.

•Many individuals are not aware of advances in pain control and the care options available to
individuals of all ages, races, and backgrounds that are nearing the end of life.

•Hospice is about living as long as possible while being as comfortable as possible.

•Hospice provides equipment such as oxygen, hospital beds, wheelchairs, walkers, bedside commodes to help you care for your loved one in your home.

•Hospice provides care for as long as the person is clinically qualified, which could be days, weeks or even months.

When am I ready/ eligible for hospice?

Many people believe that hospice is to be called only when death is imminent and they wait until the final days. More times than not our patients and their families’ state they wish they had called us sooner.

These are some indicators that it may be time for hospice care:

• Certified by a physician as having a terminal illness with a life expectancy of six months or less.
• Becoming weaker and the loss of some physical abilities.
• Frequent hospitalizations
• No longer desire to go to doctor appointments or to pursue treatment.
• Needing help with most daily activities such as grooming, bathing, or eating.
• Having many illnesses or physical problems at the same time.
• Weight loss

If these things are happening, it may be the right time to begin hospice care. Calling isn’t a commitment, it’s an opportunity to learn about your options and become more prepared.

Why call us sooner?

Hospice is extra care – not an end to care.

• Hospice assistance can make a difference in the quality of you and your loved ones’ lives.
• To obtain a greater advantage and benefit from HOCC support, education, and care.
• In fact, statistics show that hospice care often extends a patient’s life by a number of days.